the science

love, compassion, kindness, & altruism have been studied by sociologists, psychologists, evolutionary biologists, neuroscientists, & within many other fields of the applied, life, & social sciences

love for all produces new discipline-specific & interdisciplinary knowledge through original research, & seeks to disseminate the best that science has to offer regarding the nature of love

the art

musicians, poets, writers, filmmakers, painters, & all manner of artists have reflected on love

not simply romantic love, but the love that can extend to all & is expressed through compassion, kindness, & generosity

the love that extends to death, through suffering, & beyond

we at love for all create art reflecting on the many facets & nuances of love, & we share & curate the art of others

the humanity

philosophers, religions, & spiritualities throughout the world & throughout history have theorized & practiced love in many forms

from family, to friendship, to enemies - love remains a focus of the humanities & love for all works with & draws from the wells of our philosophical & spiritual traditions to expand love & wisdom in the world